
You're an honest turnip farmer. Doing your job, as every day.

You found a rock in you turnip field… Unwilling to drive your beloved combine harvester on it, you step down to remove the unwelcome stone…


Your not-so-beloved-anymore combine harvester starts running again. And you're on its path! Fly you fool!



  • W (qwerty), up-arrow, Z (azerty), or space: to jump and double-jump
  • A/D (qwerty), arrows, or Q/D (azerty): to move left/right
  • S, down-arrow, F, shift, or ctrl: to perfom [ACTION]
  • R: quickly restart (not a leftover debug key, totally an intended feature)

What is [ACTION]?

  • If you're atop a turnip: harvest™ the turnip
  • If you're atop a rock: grab the rock
  • If you're holding a rock: throw the rock
  • If you're atop a tree root: shaky-shake the tree


  • You either harvest a turnip or don't, no letting go once you started!
  • Harvesting™ a turnip take longer the larger it is!
  • You hit a deadly mushroom: you die painfully
  • You hit your combine harvester: you die even-more-painfully
  • When you carry a rock, you can't double jump
  • The combine harvester hits a rock: you gain some time!
  • Thrown rock fall on another rock: they stack, and will combine harvester effects.
  • Thrown rock fall on mushroom: it bounces ❤️
  • Thrown rock fall on turnip: it crushes the turnip 💔
  • Holding jump while harvesting™ a turnip charges a bonus super-jump (really, not a bug, totally an intended feature!)
  • It gets faster (bad luck, the crop field was sliiightly on a slope…)


  • Harvest™ a little turnip: earn little points
  • Harvest™ a medium turnip: earn medium points
  • Harvest™ a large turnip: earn large points
  • Harvest™ a t-h-i-c-c turnip : earn t-h-i-c-c points
  • Harvest™ apples: earn exponentially-increasing (in a short time window) points for each previously harvested™ apple
  • Let a turnip/apple get shredded by the rogue combine harvester: loose 1 point

About the game

Game made entirely in 48 hours for the LD compo.

Tools used: Clickteam Fusion 2.5+, Aseprite, BFXR, Audacity

If you need it, saved playername is in: %APPDATA%\Clickteam\html5Cookies

It was planned, but I ran out of time to make the music, and a final polish/VFX pass. I'm still pretty proud of the game =)

Hope you'll enjoy it, thanks in advance for playing!

Post-deadline "Smallfix" version

Those fixes don't really change anything significant rating-wise, but by respect for fairness I still have the deadline version available below.
All fixes are:

  • Sound was too loud for some players
  • Fixed one text not showing in instructions
  • Fixed two typos in instructions


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